Saturday, January 9, 2010

A belated holiday review

My apologies for being so long absent with nary a word or picture of the holiday festivities around these here parts. And as I face "breaking up Christmas" around the house, here are a few images and notes about our holidays.

Bells on the doors to add a little jingle to the days.

My mother's milk-glass sleigh takes pride of place on the Dining Room table.

The annual Christmas Amaryllis from my sister-in-law takes up a post on the bookshelf to begin its glorious growing process, hopefully to grace us with lush red blooms by Valentine's Day.

Our little Christmas tree with a strange menagerie.

Some images of the evergreen garland we hang around the living room door frame to display our Christmas and Winter Solstice ornaments.

A few more little corners from around the house.

Our stockings hung on the banister with care. (For that was the tradition in my house growing up)

Three lovely cross-stitched santas from a bell-pull my mother made that graces our front door.

I hope yours was merry and bright and full of joy and the light of good friends and family.

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