I'm saving it to partner with the first succulent crop of strawberries coming soon!
The first of the crisp mint lettuce is up and beckoning to be included in a spring salad.
The sea pinks by the drive are our first real color besides the luscious bits of green popping up all over.
And the dratted finger. Feeling a bit better than a week ago when I got home from the surgery. Looking forward to a week from now when the bandage comes off. For now, I'm a little limited in the hand-use department, and looking a bit like I'm carrying around a chicken drumstick...but on the mend!
And thanks to my wonderful husband, we still managed to accomplish quite a lot. So, here's our Independence Days Challenge update for the week...
Plant Something:
Planted carrots, onion sets, beets and beans. Transplanted more tomatoes and butternut squash, as well a pepper, eggplant and luffa seedlings to bigger pots.
Harvest Something:
Preserve Something:
not this week.
Reduce Waste:
Repaired a reusable shopping bag.
Preparation and Storage:
Did our big once-a-month shop, Added some additional oatmeal, beans, broth, honey, tomatoes, applesauce and seasonings to the long-term food storage.
Build Community Food Systems:
Talked to a co-worker and sent her some links about food storage for small spaces.
Eat the Food:
Sourdough apricot/pecan bread, liver and onions from the spring lamb we bought, more delicious local farm-fresh eggs.
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